Genesis 9

God blessed Noah and all of his sons, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply.
Fill the earth. All the beasts of the earth shall fear you, as will all of the birds in the sky,
All that crawls on the soil, all the fish of the sea, into your hand all of it now passes.
All the living things that move on earth shall be for you, as food, just like all the green grasses,
I now give you all things, although flesh with the blood of its life you are never to eat.
I require a reckoning from the blood of your own lives, just as with wild beasts.
I demand it from mankind, from every man’s brother, a reckoning for human life.
Now whoever sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed, (Live by the knife, die by knife.)
For God made mankind in His own image. And as for you, be fruitful and multiply.
Go abound and increase on the earth.” Then the Lord said to Noah, and his sons nearby,

“As for me, I establish my covenant now, with both you and your offspring to follow,
And with all living things that are with you: birds, cattle, beasts that come out from the ark’s hollow,
All the beasts of the earth. I establish my covenant with you: That never again
Shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a rising Flood, and that never again
Shall there be a Flood to bring the whole earth to ruination.” God said: “This is the sign
Of the covenant I make between me and you, and all creatures with you, for all time:
My rainbow I have set in the clouds, to serve as a sign of the covenant between
Me and the earth. And when I bring clouds over the earth, and the bow can clearly be seen,
I will call to mind My covenant between Me and you, and all beings of flesh living,
That the waters shall never again become Flood, to bring ruin to all flesh, unforgiving.
When the rainbow is in the clouds, I will look at it, to call to mind something of worth,
Namely the covenant everlasting between God and all living beings on earth.”

God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I’ve established between Me
And all living flesh that is on earth.” Noah’s sons who went out of the ark were just three:
There was Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And Ham was the father of Canaan. These three were the sons
Of Noah, and from them the whole earth was peopled, from them all of the earth-folk were spun.
Noah was the first tiller of soil, he planted a vineyard, and like this it went:
When he drank from the wine, he got drunk, and uncovered himself in the midst of his tent.
Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father’s nakedness, told his two brothers outside.
Then Shem and Japheth placed a cloak on both shoulders, walking backwards towards father to hide
Noah’s nakedness; their faces were turned backwards, so his nakedness they didn’t see.
And when Noah awoke from his wine, he learned what his littlest son had done to He.
He said, “Cursed be Canaan. The lowest of slaves may he be to his brothers.” And then
He said, “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem, let him possess as a servant Canaan.
And may God enlarge Japheth, let him dwell in Shem’s tents, may Canaan be servant to them.”

Noah lived past the Flood three hundred fifty years, after all the waters did subside.
All his days totaled up to nine hundred and fifty years of living. And then he died.