Genesis 41

Pharaoh had a dream after two years that he was standing out by the stream of the Nile,
When out of the Nile came seven cows, fat of flesh, fair to look at, sturdy, and virile.
The cows grazed in the reed grass, but then seven other cows came from the Nile close behind,
Ill to look at and lean of flesh, these new cows stood on the Nile’s bank near the first kind.
Then the ugly and skinny cows ate up the seven cows sturdy and fair to look at.
Pharaoh woke from this dream, but then he fell asleep to dream a second time after that:
Seven ears of grain, solid and healthy, grew on one stalk. Seven more ears sprung up near,
But the seven new ears of grain had been scorched by the east wind, and so they were lean ears.
Then the lean ears devoured the seven full ears. Pharaoh awoke: It was all a dream!
But in the morning his spirit was agitated, so he sent throughout his regime
To have all the wise-men and magicians of Egypt brought in to give interpretation.
Pharaoh told his dream to them, but none of them could find meaning or present revelation.

Then the chief cupbearer spoke to Pharaoh and said, “Now of my faults I must make admission.
At one point Pharaoh was angry with his servants, placed me in custody in his prison,
In the house of the captain of the guard, myself and the chief baker. And we both dreamt.
That one night we each dreamt dreams with their own meanings, but to understand, failed our attempt.
Now a young Hebrew lad was in there with us, a servant of the captain of the guard.
When we told him our dreams, he interpreted them for us, (which we had both found too hard).
He told each of us what our dreams meant. And it was just as he interpreted to us:
I was restored to my position, and the other was hanged and is now a carcass.”
Pharaoh sent and had Joseph called. They rushed him out of the dungeon. He shaved, changed his clothes,
Then he came before Pharaoh. And Pharaoh said, “I dreamt a dream. What it means, no one knows.
But I heard it said of you that when you hear a dream, you can give an interpretation.”
Joseph answered, “Not I! God will answer what is good for Pharaoh in this situation.”
Pharaoh said to Joseph, “In my dream, I was standing on the Nile’s bank, when behold,
Out of the Nile came seven cows, fat of flesh, fair of form,” (their good health he extolled,)
“And they grazed in the reed grass. And then seven other cows came from the Nile close behind,
And these new seven were scrawny, ill, and ugly. In all Egypt, I’ve not seen their kind.
I had never seen any in such ill-condition, and then the ill cows ate the strong,
But when they ate the first cows, you could not tell, because they looked as ill as all along.
Then I woke. I saw also in my dream, on one stalk grew seven healthy ears of grain,
And then seven more stalks, thin and scorched by the east wind, sprung up behind them on the plain.
Then the thin, withered ears ate the seven good ears. Now, I’ve spoken with all my magicians,
But none of them can give me a good explanation. To do so, Joseph, is your mission.”

Joseph said to Pharaoh, “Your two dreams are the same. God has revealed His plan to Pharaoh.
Here, the seven good cows stand for seven years, the seven good ears, seven years also.
The dream is one dream. The seven ugly and lean cows that followed them are seven years,
And the seven ears of grain that were hollow, shriveled, and scorched by the east wind, those ears
Will be seven years of famine! Just as I’ve told Pharaoh, God has revealed his plan:
Here, immediately ahead are seven years of abundance in all Egypt’s land.
After them shall arise seven years of harsh famine, when all abundance is forgotten.
And the famine will ravage the land, with abundance no more. All the crops will grow rotten.
As the land becomes ravaged by famine, no trace of the plenty before shall remain,
For the famine that comes after will be exceedingly heavy, destroying all grain.
Now as for Pharaoh having the same dream twice, it means that God has determined the matter,
And that God will soon carry it out. So now let Pharaoh save Egypt from being shattered.
Now let Pharaoh select a discreet and wise man, set him over the land of Egypt.
And let Pharaoh take steps to appoint overseers for the land who are well-equipped,
To take one fifth of all Egypt’s produce in the seven years when plenty fills the land.
Let them gather the food of these good years ahead, and pile it up under Pharaoh’s hand.
All the food will be stored in the cities, and kept under guard, to act as a reserve
So that during the seven year famine that strikes Egypt, we’ll live on food we’ve preserved.”
Joseph’s plan was deemed good by Pharaoh and his servants. Pharaoh said to his servants, “Well,
Could we find us another man like him, a man in whom the spirit of God would dwell?”
So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God made this known to you, there are none as wise as you.
You shall be the one over my house, and my servants will do as you tell them to do.
Only by the throne shall I be greater than you.” Pharaoh to Joseph said one more thing,
“See, I put you in charge of the land of Egypt!” Then Pharaoh removed his signet-ring;
He took it from his hand, placed it on Joseph’s hand, and had him dressed in fine linen clothes,
And then put a gold chain on his neck, had him mount the second chariot of Pharaoh’s,
And they called out before him, “Abrek!” (which can mean “Attention!” or sometimes “Bow the knee!”)
So it was that Pharaoh placed Joseph over all the land of Egypt to oversee.

Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am Pharaoh, but without your leave, no man in the area
Of Egypt shall raise hand or foot.” Pharaoh then gave Joseph the name “Zaphenath Paneah”
(Which means “God speaks and He lives”). Pharaoh gave him Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera,
Priest of On, as a wife. So Joseph’s influence went out over Egypt in that era.
Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh, king of Egypt.
Joseph went out from Pharaoh’s presence and went through all the land of Egypt, well-equipped.
During the seven years of abundance, the land produced plenty. He gathered the grain,
And collected all kinds of provisions from those seven years which graced Egypt’s domain.
He stored grain in each city, and put in the city the grain from the fields around it.
Joseph piled up grain, like the sand of the sea, until there were too many to count it.
Now Joseph fathered two sons by Asenath, daughter of Potiphera, priest of On,
Before the years of famine came. Joseph gave the name of “Manasseh” to the firstborn,
(Which translates as “He Who Makes Forget”) meaning, “God made me forget all of my hardships,
And all my father’s house.” And he named the second “Ephraim” (“Double Fruit”) from his lips,
Meaning, “God has made me bear fruit in the land of my affliction.” The seven years ended,
And abundance in Egypt gave way to a seven year famine, as Joseph portended.
A great famine struck in all the lands, but in the land of Egypt there was bread throughout.
But when even all Egypt’s lands felt famine, for bread the people to Pharaoh cried out.
Pharaoh said to all of the Egyptians, “Go to Joseph, whatever he tells you, do!”
So when famine had spread through the land, Joseph opened the storehouses where grain accrued.
He gave rations to all the Egyptians, since famine in Egypt was slow gaining strength.
And all lands came to Egypt for rations, to Joseph, since famine had struck the world’s length.

Comments (1)

SohrabJune 11th, 2015 at 5:25 am

Shalom Bill,This is not quite totally on topic but the prsmeie is still the same, man was created with the unique quality to choose therefore there always had to have been a remnant in Egypt that still held to the way of God in their hearts. The commands they had been taught from their youth that came down through Abraham although suppressed and oppressed by Pharaoh were crying out and Yahweh knew and heard the hearts of the remnant seed of Abraham and as we all know, it has always been about the heart. So I ask you to please consider this.Yahweh created man with choice. He gave us HIS unique quality of choice (mercy and grace, light v. suppression and oppression, darkness (Ps 8). We also know that everything on earth is a reflection of that in heaven thus the reason we are given the history of the fall of Lucifer and the testing of Yeshua for 40 days. But the difference is, both Yeshua’s (Word of God) and Lucifer’s original realm was the heavenly kingdom of Yahweh so Yahweh needed to have someone of His likeness to rule the earth in His image with one stipulation, mankind must rule according to Yahweh or should we say the Word of Yahweh for mankind to continue in the blessings of Yahweh.Therefore, Yahweh needed to position a first test for man and since Yahweh tells us that He is the One who created all things, even evil and uses it for His purposes something needed to appear before mankind as a way for Yahweh to test their hearts. Yahweh also forwarned Adam who was to see to it that Havah heeded Yahweh’s instructions and obeyed.Hasatan comes up with nothing new of his own, this we know for a fact. He takes what Yahweh had already planted and preverts it. Also, for man to have the unique quality of free will/choice, Yahweh had to put a test in the garden for them otherwise what free will/choice would there be? On day 3 of creation, the earth brought forth plants bearing seed of like kind and it was good. But if earth was to be a reflection of the heavenlies, then there also needed to be a symbol so to speak of the evil that Lucifer had spread in the heavenlies.From the time of Adam’s creation and Yawheh bringing Havah forth from Adam, to them having offspring after the fall, we see that there had to have been many years spent in the garden before sin entered. There was a great time of testing. As Sarah, Rivkah and Rebecca’s wombs were bare until the testing had been completed, so too was Havah’s. As a woman and a mother, I can only imagine what it would be like to give birth without pain and suffering, but it is through pain and suffering that great blessings come from. Without sin, man would have never known the true blessing of the Word of Yahweh.So it is my new belief that The Word of Yahweh did place that tree in the garden. It was not brought forth from seed planted in the earth as then the earth would have become corrupt before man had even sinned which is a total 180 of what Scripture teaches.Without choice in the beginning, there is nothing to test man against and therefore man could not have been created with the unique quality to choose which means Yahweh could be construed as a angry God who sits as Almighty dictator over the world rather than the God of love, peace, mercy and grace that He truly is.No, the tree had to have been placed not brought forth from mixed seed . And since it was mankind that corrupted the earth, not the other way around, and Lucifer can not create anything but only has the ability to misuse what The Word had already brought forth, then the only one who could have putthe tree of knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden was the ONE who was, is and will always be incorruptable, the Word of God! All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. The tree did not come from nothing and was there from the time Adam entered the garden and before Havah was formed from Adam’s rib. The earth brought forth what had been sown in her, BUT the two trees in the midst of the garden, those were special. The seed of them was not the kind of seed that would reproduce from the dirt of the earth, NO, their seed would reproduce fruit that comes forth from the hearts of man.Oh how I love the Word! What wonders it holds and what blessings it brings tothose who have it in their hearts to search it out to learn the hidden things meant for mankind to find and be blessed with. Yahweh sent another judgment on us yesterday. Another sound of His trumpet so to speak but amazingly, yesterday and today my heart has been at total peace!Shalom Alecheim!Linda