Posts Tagged ‘Poisoning Pigeons in the Park’

Spring is here! Spring is here!

Monday, March 29th, 2021

“I think the loveliest time of the year is the spring. I do, don’t you? ‘Course you do…”

Well, I finally shaved my beard, so it must be spring. At least technically, even though in reality I have no idea how time works anymore. People are finally starting to get their vaccines, which is nice because COVID has made most holidays less exciting. It’d be nice to have a summer BBQ party with friends again, although at this point it’s even odds I’ll just stay home by myself and eat cheese.*

Meanwhilst, I haven’t really played any board games lately, but I’ve been surprisingly busy freelancing, working on some very interesting projects. Don’t worry, I’m not giving anyone financial advice with my complete lack of expertise, just helping people who know more than I do to share their ideas. I recently did my first Zoom comedy show, with my second slated for Thursday, so that’s been a new experience. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would**, but I’ll still be glad when open mics are safe again.


* Life is gouda.

** A low bar, given that I would rather eat a handful of bugs than sit through an hour-long zoom meeting.***

*** Itself a low bar, since I actually like fried crickets