July: The Hunt For June

June seems to have escaped me. Which makes me feel lame because it should not be that difficult for me to make one post a month. And yet, here we are. I suppose I could have done some backdating* and pretended I was on time, but June just flew by and I have to admit it.

To be fair, part of the reason is that I spent the last week of June in California at my brother’s wedding. You could read about my anticipation of the trip or even some of my trip highlights. But basically, the weather was consistently nice, there was copious tasty Mexican food, and my brother got married.

Now it’s back home, and trying to catch up on everything I’ve fallen behind on. Thankfully I managed to write the latter column while on vacation, and had finished my June submissions to the About.com boardgame site before I left, but I still feel like I wasn’t done with June yet. June could get 40 days, and that would be okay**.

Meanwhile, it’s not as if I’m starting July yet. Coming off the tail of a flight, I now have friends from afar in visiting for the 4th of July festivities.*** So it’ll probably be mid-July before I settle down and re-engage with the world around me. But in the meantime, there are copious amounts of food, friends, and fireworks, and two out of three ain’t bad.

*Not to be confused with Back Dating.

**You could take another ten days from February, a month that nobody likes anyway. Except for one friend of mine who seems to believe her being born in February somehow redeems the month. She is charming but still wrong.

***Or more accurately, concurrent to the 4th of July festivities. Lovely though North Adams is, nobody from more than a town away is going to come here for fireworks. And if someone did want to come here for fireworks, there would be no particular reason to come on July 4th regardless, since my neighborhood seems to delight in setting off fireworks all summer long. My delight with this state of affairs, in comparison, is significantly smaller.


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